Tuesday, July 21, 2009

UOC Spirit never dies

My first UOC was in 1997. 12 years later i am back. Lol.

Some say i am too old for it. Some say i am boliao to go and do this again. But the S-Spirit is still in me, and if i have the time, i will go. I still remember the time when i am still in school i was very active . even after i graduate , i still make the effort to join the camp. people who did not go through the camp will not understand why the spirit never dies. Till now, the only people i keep in touch after graduate are not my course mates.. but the friends i make during the camp, year after year. That is why i have friends who are much younger than me too!

I have not been attending the camps for the last few years because of my work. But now, I have the choice to choose to be the funloving Tigger or sad sacked Eeyore. Made this video last night. Check this out


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Brick Wall

Was reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. There was a paragraph there which i like . It is under the Chapter “Never Give up “

Brick Walls are there for a reason. And once you get over them – even if you need someone to practically throw you over, be thankful and it will be helpful to tell others how you did it

That is why we need to  NETWORK!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

AMK Community Hospital Sucks

Granny was discharged from TTSH and transferred to AMK Community Hospital for rehabilitation, however today i got a call from my Aunt and she say they are transferring Granny out. I ask her where , she say she didnt know so i requested her to put me to the nurse. when i ask the nurse “where are you all transferring my grandmother to ?”

The nurse replied “I dont know where she is going to , i ask the doctor to call you later”

Fuck.. what type of nurse is this??

I quickly rush to the hospital only to find out that she has to be transferred back to TTSH because of respiratory problems. The ambulance is coming at 1pm , and no one call the family to informed until my aunt reached at 12.15pm to find out.

So i ask the nurse again “Why isnt there anyone who tell us what is happening ?”

The nurse say “ we wanted to call you already, but your aunt is here so we tell her”

I say ‘ But she dont understand english, and you all speak to her in English”

Fuck.. what type of system is this ? Why do they ask me to be the spokesperson but did not tell me anything about it ?

So i requested to see the doctor in charge. The doctor, I cannot remember the name but i will be going to find out says , “your granny has fever and then has breathing prblems, we cannot do physio on her, so we need to send her back to TTSH for heart specialist to treat her”

i say , “ but she was diagnosed as fit for phsyio before she is discharged from TTSH 1 week ago, what happened between her discharge till now ? is it something new that happened?”

Doctor say “ we dont know”

I say “ how can you say you dont know, she came directly to the hospital to here. Is it something wrong with the operation or what?”

Doctor say “i cannot conclude that”

I say “ Then can i say is due to negligence of this hospital that resulted in her situation now ?

Doctor say “ we cant tell why there is a fever or why she has breathing problems…… We are doing this for the best of the patient”

I say “ Dont treat the patient as a ball and bounce her around… forget it , is there a bed already reserved?”

Doctor say “ No , you need to go to A&E and the hospital will take care of it “

I say “What? i need to go in as a new case?”

Doctor say “ Yes, this is the process”

Fuck.. what type of doctor is this??

I went to look for the social worker in charge of her case to lodge a complain, there is already previous incidents that the miscommunication between the nurses has caused a lot of inconveiencen to the patient and the family. There was a case of missed medicine for the patient! and there are cases where different nurses tell me different things about the patient ( one says she ate breakfast, one say she didnt ) So i cannot rule out the possibility that my grandmother condition could be a result of neglience on the hospital side

When i finally found the social worker ( nurse say she went for lunch and she has no MOBILE PHONE ) the social worker looks totally confused what is happening. I highlighted the incidents and my dissatisfaction , they just nod their head but cannot make any decisions at all. Waste my time. At least, they escalted the issue up to the Public Communications departement i believe ( i rcv a call from them but i was busy at Tan Tock Seng doing the admission so i didnt manage to vent my frustrations on them one more time )

21km or 42km?

Singapore Marathon 2009 ( Some call it Std Chart Run ) is back. I got the mailer that is offering runners who particpated last year a 30% discount for Early Bird registration fees.

But the question now is 21 or 42 ?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What happened on July 13th ?

8am – Starbucks Centre point Orchard . I love the starbucks there simply because the environment is conducive for me to do some work on my own without any interference. A cup of Mocha without Whipped Cream is all i need to keep myself occupied the whole morning.

11am – Dim Sum Lunch at Ah Yat. got 50% off on weekdays. Check out the Lobster!


2pm – Went to NTU to check out the freshies selection for this year UOC. The last time i was really active in the camp was probably 2000 or 2001. After that, my career took over the priority. This year i will try to spend more time in the camp since there will be nothing much at work

4pm Badminton at YCK Sports Hall. This was a last minute decision. I like Last minute Decisions :)

7pm Dinner at Hougang Mall. Ate Duck Noodles.

9pm Chill out at O+. 1 pint + 2 Bottles .

11pm Mahjong thru the night….. win $120

Thursday, July 09, 2009

My First Video ( with iMovie )

Yeh, make my first iMovie . You can check it out below, it is a clip of Rhino token feeding session at the Singapore Zoo

Is very simple, but is a small step to greater success!

在摩托罗拉剩余的日子 : 83 Days

9.30 in the office


and one American walking round and round the cubicles machiam doing F1 Racing and talking on the phone for the last 90mins


I cant decide Blogspot or Wordpress

Until i decide, i will maintain both. Wahaha.

Wonder if one post can be posted twice….

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I have moved

New Blog Space

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sengkangboy.blogspot.com is moving

I am moving!to wordpress
Stay tuned....

在摩托罗拉剩余的日子 : 111 Days

Very soon, we will enter the last 100 days of our "transition phase". I volunteered and started engaging our 2 vendors who provides Career Transition services to come down to our office to give our employees a talk and overview on what the workshop will be about and how it can help us. Everyone will definately signed up since this is covered by Motorola. I see no reason why we should not.

On the other hand, Nz requested some of our managers to form up a S.W.A.T. team to "help" some of our colleagues to get a job. There were things like organising our own job fair, arranging career talks, networking with other company HR managers to see if there are positions available. Apparently, he feels that everyone is sitting there wasting their time and should be doing something more meangingful instead of playing kaixin.net, facebook or just surfing their day away.

Well at least to my knowledge, many of us are already venturing into entreprenurship. I know of at least 4 groups who are diong such. Nevertheless, I will continue to work on this SWAT thing even though i am already very busy with other stuff. Well, thats probably one of the last things i can do for the department , if it is really useful.